PPSC Repeated Questions Part#4

PPSC Repeated Questions

These are very important questions from Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) past papers. These are PPSC repeated questions. These are compiled from different past papers of PPSC. These questions are also helpful for FPSC, NTS, OTS, PTS, UTS, etc. tests. So prepare these questions for your upcoming job tests. We wish you good luck with your upcoming test.
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  1. Who is called as Malk-ul-Moot?

Hazrat Izraeel (A.S)

  1. How many Holy Books are there?

  1. What is the most important subject of Holy Books?
Human beings
  1. The Torat (the Old Testament) was revealed on?
Prophet Moosa (A.S)
  1. The Zaboor (Psalm) was revealed on?
Prophet David (A.S)
  1. The Injeel or Bible (New Testament) was revealed on?
Prophet Issa (A.S)
  1. The Holy Quran was revealed?
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  1. Of the Holy Books, which is superior?
The Holy Quran
  1. Which of the Holy Books, Allah takes responsibility for the everlasting preservation?
Holy Quran
  1. What are those people called who do not believe in Islam?
Kafirs (disbelievers)
  1. Who is known as “Apostate”?
A person who has read the Kalima of Isam, even then, he speaks ill of Islam and does not see the harm in his ill speaking of Islam. He is called “Apostate”.
  1. What is the alternative name of Islamic Qaeda/Belief?
  1. What is the basic Aqedah of Islam?
Eman on Allah, Eman on Angels, Eman on Prophets, Eman on holy Books, Eman on Day of Judgement Day
  1. Which word is opposite to Islam?
  1. What did the Holy Quran say about Shirk?
  1. What is meant by Wahi?
Hidden message (Prophetic Experiences)
  1. What is the terminological meaning of Wahi?
Allah’s message which He sent to his Prophets
  1. What is the meaning of the Prophet?
  1. What is the terminological meaning of Nabi?
To whom Allah bless with Prophet Hood is called Nabi.
  1. What is the difference between Nabi and Rasool?
Rasool brings new Din whereas Nabi did not do so.
  1. Who was the first Prophet of Allah?
Hazrat Adam (A.S)
  1. If somebody after Muhammad (PBUH) claims for Prophet Hood, what will we say to him?
Kazzab (Liar)
  1. What was the source of Prophet’s teaching?
  1. To which Prophet Angels offered Sajda?
Hazrat Adam (A.S)
  1. Is the word Rasool also used for Angels?
  1. Write the names of four famous Angels.
Hazrat Gabriel, Hazrat Izraeel, Hazrat Israfiel, Hazrat Mekael
  1. What is the duty of Hazrat Gabriel?
To convey Allah’s message to Nabi. (Brought the revelation from Allah to Prophet).
  1. What is the duty of Hazrat Izraeel?
To capture Rooh. (He is called the angel of death) (Malaki Maut)
  1. What is the duty of Hazrat Mekael?
To manage rains and eating’s for the creature.
  1. What is the duty of Hazrat Israfiel?
To blow Soor. (Israfiel will blow the trumpet at the end of the world on the day of Judgement).
For PPSC Important MCQs part 1 Click Here

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