Petrol Officer Solved Past Papers 2014 part 2/2

Petrol Officer Past Papers 2014

Patrol Officer is a very prominent post in the Highway and Motorway Police Department. Patrol Officer is a grade 14 (BS-14) job. Candidates of Patrol Officer Post must know the driving of car as it is mandatory. Driving License is not mandatory but you must know the driving if you want to apply for this post of Patrol Officer. For Detailed Syllabus Click Here

Past Papers of Patrol Officer 2019

1.    Which of the following is president of Iran?
a)    Hassan Rouhani
b)    Mohammad Javed Zarif
c)    Mohammad Ahmadinejad
d)    None of the above

2.    Intelligence agency RAW belonged to which of the following Countries?
a)    Bhutan
b)    India
c)    Iran
d)    Pakistan

3.    Identify the country which is not a member of SAARC?
a)    Maldives
b)    Iran
c)    Bangladesh
d)    Bhutan

4.    In which of the following cities Taliban opens their political office?
a)    Masqat
b)    Dubai
c)    Doha
d)    Damascus

5.    Where is headquarter of transparency international is located?
a)    New York
b)    London
c)    Paris
d)    Berlin

6.    Which of the following is the largest wheat producing country of the world?
a)    China
b)    India
c)    Canada
d)    USA

7.    In which of the following years Pakistan faces massive flood?
a)    2010
b)    2009
c)    2008
d)    2007

8.    Which of the following city is the highly populous city of the world?
a)    Karachi
b)    Tokyo
c)    Beijing
d)    Shanghai

            9.    Data duplication in multiple files is called?
a)    Data Redundancy
b)    Data inconsistency
c)    Data Dependence
d)    None of these

           10.  CYBER 205, CRAY-1 AND CRAY-2 are examples of?
a)    Minicomputer
b)    Microcomputer
c)    Supercomputer
d)    Mainframe

           11.  PS/2, AT&T, IBM PC and Apple Macintosh are examples of?
a)    Minicomputer
b)    Microcomputer
c)    Supercomputer
d)    Mainframe

          12.  Calculating machine purposed by J.H.  Muller in 1786 is called?
a)    Electronic Engine
b)    Difference Engine
c)    Analytical Engine
d)    None of the above

           13.  Which of the following is a first generation computer?
a)    EDVAC
b)    UNIVAC-1
c)    ABACUS

d)    ENIAC

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